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Your journey to become a Yoga Senior Teacher

If you register with Yoga Alliance Professionals, you know that there is a progression towards becoming a senior teacher.

This journey has two main parts: your learning and your teaching.

You do your Yoga Teacher Training and other available courses for your learning.

Naturally, your first foundation course is your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, followed by a 500 Hour of Advanced Yoga Teacher Training. Some of us will decide to start teaching and immediately proceed with our education. In contrast, many of us will choose just to focus on teaching experience first.

That was precisely my path. I did my first 200 hours, and then I looked to gain more insight by moving to 500 Hours. I started teaching and proceeded with more education. I've done this at a considerable investment in money and time, something I understand might not be achievable for all of us because of our everyday life constraints.

That said, it is good to think about the present - very yogic! - but with your eyes in the future - very me!

A better strategy than sitting waiting for the universe to bring you the opportunities. The opportunities are already out there. You need to grab them, so plan, plan, plan, and endure, endure, endure.

If I only do my 200 hours, I'll never get closer to becoming a Senior teacher myself. I'll never be able to run a Yoga Teacher Training. I chose my career: I'll teach yoga classes until I retire - which is excellent, but, let's face it, when I get to 65, I'll probably want to do more meditation than hardcore vinyasa!

So it would be best if you planned what to do next.

Now, evidently, I'm going to tell you that we have the solution because we do! I've been through this myself. We offer you the path right here, with us, to your seniority.


Level I

Your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training - your foundation course; This is all about preparing you to work as a yoga teacher - and a quality one with us.

We offer you work experience - get that distinction, and you can start working with us straight away.

If you didn't get your distinction, we would offer you Complementary Courses to bring you up to speed to teach. That said, you can always look to teach in other studios or rent a hall for your classes. We help you with all those in our Yoga Business Modules in your first 200 hours course.


Level II

Your 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is your two-year Swadyaya Sadhana or self-development course. This stage is more about deepening your yoga practices, experiencing them yourself, become a true yogi(n/i). Of course, you will learn more teaching techniques, but this is all about deepening those subjects related to your self-development.

We would recommend getting as much teaching practice as you can now. Personally, I was doing 25 hours a week - some of it free to get the hours in, all with that vision of gaining that necessary experience and getting to Senior teacher as soon as possible. You probably do not need to do it this way if you know how many hours you need to do a year. There are limits on the number of minimum years you need to teach and learn, around eight years after your first certificate — plenty of time and no need to rush.


Level III a

Your 200 Hour, Progressive Yoga Teacher Training, is the course that prepares you to become an assistant teacher - where you will start teaching our course material. In this course, you will have to demonstrate you are ready to teach. You should know all the practices inside out; You should know all the theories inside out; And you should be able to demonstrate you can teach them. You will present a dissertation on a yogic subject or related.

Suppose you are successful at attaining your accreditation. In that case, you will then join our team and start teaching with us or at a different location.


Level III b

This stage of your learning is about your specialisation. Our 300 Hour Yoga Therapy Course is for you who want to work more on a 1-2-1 level. It is about helping people through their physical, emotional and mental problems — the true Karma Yoga.


We have many other options towards your education, but this progression is all you need!

A school which give helps you with your vision.

There are different pathways and offers from other teachers around the country, even worldwide. What matters is what suits your personality and your vision.

We do urge you to get the suitable courses. Yoga is more than just adjusting a posture. It is about life and living. We hope we provide you with the right path.

If you want more information on what we offer, please talk to us.

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