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Foundation in Yoga

Foundation in Yoga - comprehensive Introduction

Saturday 9AM to 11AM


Online Tantra Yoga Theory and Q&A



  • Weekly Hatha Yoga: Kriyas, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Jnana Yoga Kriyas (1 Hour)

  • Weekly Naada or Bija Mantra Sadhana 

  • Weekly Samayama: Tantric Visualisation for Meditation 



  • 2nd September 

  • 9th September 

  • 16th September 

  • 23rd September 

  • 30th September 

  • 7th October 

  • 14th October 

  • 21st October 

  • 28th October 

  • 4th November 



£450 all together or

£100 deposit and  2x£200 instalments

What is Tantra?

Yoga is a path, practice, and the end goal leading us to an absolute union of the Self with the Divine Self, which in the beginning can be understood as total harmony between body, mind and spirit. Through the Sadhana of Asana, Mudra, Bandha, Pranayama, Jnana Yoga Kriyas and Yogic attitude, one can align and merge with and within the universal energy of Param-Shiva.

According to Hinduism, and traditional Yoga Schools, Lord Shiva is considered the Yogeshwar (Master of Yoga), Parma-Pita (founder of Yoga), Adi-Yoga-Guru and Siddha (Ancient or first practitioner, founder and Master of Yoga). Shiva-Shamhita and Vijnana Bhairava Tantra are two of the most authentic Tantra and Yoga texts, each recorded as a dialogue between Lord Shiva and his wife Shakti or Parwati.

Vijnana Bhairava Tantra details 112 techniques of Dharna or subtle energy visualisations to attain absolute harmony with the potential self and subtle energies to enter into the universal and transcendental state. Vijnana Bhairava Tantra is considered one of the highest, most knowledgeable and most exquisite Shastras (sacred texts) in Tantra Yoga.

The word “Tantra” is a Sanskrit term which means to weave or expand. Tantra comes from two Sanskrita roots - ‘Tan’ means body, and ‘tra’ means tool. Tantra uses the body as a divine tool or instrument to attain union with the Supreme Consciousness of Param-Shiva.


Key Tantra Yoga Concepts of Study 

  • Tantric Concepts of Creation and Evolution 

  • Tantra concept of “self and divine” (Shiva-Shakti, Purusha-Parmatman)

  • Polarity, Nara, Vital Life force, Health and Wellness 

  • Pancha Kosha System 

  • Nadis and Swaras

  • Kundalini and Chakras

  • Naada and Bija Mantras for Chakras 

  • Pancha Mahabhutas and Life 

  • Samayama – Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi 

  • Hatha Yoga: Kriya, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, and Jnana Yoga Kriyas (relaxation or yoga Nidra techniques) 

  • Surya Namaskars and Vinyasa

  • Mandala Dharnas and Gayatri Mantras 

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